Friday, June 11, 2010

Life's hardest moments.

So Devon and I have looked for a house for a LONG time since January. Let me tell you it has taken its tole. This has been the hardest thing we have ever endured. Now towards the end of things, we have both learned so many important things that we would have never know in life without this experience. What a journey, we have gone through 6 banks turning us down for: job history, credit scores, current loans, and of corse $$$! But we found a broker and she is amazing, she has bent of backwards for us, she said that she was adopting us. In the beginning we were referred to a realtor and she to is great too. We have met some really nice people along our 6 month journey, and honestly they were our inspiration and they kept us moving on. Thanks to them we are where we are now. It has been a roller coaster from day one, finding your "dream house" and loosing your dream house, finding a better home for the future and almost loosing hope and giving up. Requesting help from friends and then all the sudden things start crumbling around you and all you can think of is "why did I drag these people into this with me" but then, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and you think "wow, it says a lot when someone is willing to risk their ass for you" and you feel good that you are including them in your adventure. We love it we hate it and we are so in love. Love is our hand to hold and our purpose for waking in the morning! Never give up on what your dream is even if there seems to be no way, if there is a will the IS a way!

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Wow it is 2011 already. I remember being 13 thinking "ya in 2011 i will be 21 and i will have a car and a house and be married and have dogs" and i think now my birthday is less then 2 months away and i have a SUV and i have a house (not paid off yet) and i got married and my girls are wonderful. I love crossing off my goal sheet. : )