Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bowl and Pitcher

Devon, Michele, Zoe and I went to Bowl and Pitcher in Riverside State Park and went hiking. It was such a beautiful day and the river was running strong. I love good days like that spending it with the ones you love.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I would have been able to go with you.. it looks like you had a blast! I can't believe your weather is so nice in February... very jealous! We still have a goo 8 or 9 inches of snow on the ground :-(



Wow it is 2011 already. I remember being 13 thinking "ya in 2011 i will be 21 and i will have a car and a house and be married and have dogs" and i think now my birthday is less then 2 months away and i have a SUV and i have a house (not paid off yet) and i got married and my girls are wonderful. I love crossing off my goal sheet. : )